“I’m very honored and humbled to have participated in this. I love what I do regardless of the risks, amount of shifts, and struggles. Thank you! #ANA #Proud”
If you missed the network television premiere(s) of American Nurse Heroes, we have multiple On Demand options to see the groundbreaking documentary for yourself. This captivating “love letter” to nurses provides a unique viewpoint on the struggles and hardships during the pandemic that shook the world. We hope you enjoy it.
Kudos for this most excellent video documentary attestation of Nursing’s “Diversity – Inclusion – Equity”, across the various specialties & care locations within the Nursing Profession, as well as persons/patients/clients served, during this COVID-19 Pandemic (March 2020 —> present date of viewing: November 2021). Seeing COVID-19’s impact on the still-required-rigorous Nursing Education, as described and demonstrated by Professor Lim & Student Nurses, was absolutely inspiring! Thank you!
Beautiful documentary. I cried because it reminded me of why I became a nurse, the compassion. Thank you for sharing.
This video shares various view points for the community. I believe it will help society understand the complexities of the various roles health care professionals must practice to meet the multidimensional needs of patient care. I especially enjoy the part of the video that explains the different roles of the community and how the community and Health care are inter-related. Without this inter-related relationship, healthcare can not thrive to meet the growing demands of society. A healthcare system must collaborate with all stakeholders to meet the needs of all stakeholders, simply put. Thank you for sharing.
“I am truly honored to be part of such a wonderful documentary that shows nursing through so many wonderful lenses. The four nurses who were featured were incredible and did our profession the justice it deserves. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of this tribute. Watching it made me proud to be a nurse!”
Thank you for the documentary. As a nurse practitioner student, Tarik Khan’s story was heartfelt and inspired me. He and many nurses in the field have gone above and beyond to take care of their patients, communities, and coworkers. It was great hearing about the experience of nurses from different perspectives. The documentary succeeded in delivering the message that despite challenges brought on by the pandemic, nurses will step up and overcome.Thank you for the documentary. As a nurse practitioner student, Tarik Khan’s story was heartfelt and inspired me. He and many nurses in the field have gone above and beyond to take care of their patients, communities, and coworkers. It was great hearing about the experience of nurses from different perspectives. The documentary succeeded in delivering the message that despite challenges brought on by the pandemic, nurses will step up and overcome.
I enjoyed the diversity of nursing practice settings included in this video. I think the nurses who show up every day and really care for their patients are the true heroes. They risk themselves, their families yet they care enough to ease our burden. Thank you
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American Nurse Heroes: A Love Letter to Nursing
Nurses Rise to the Challenge
American Nurse Heroes Press Release
HCM extends our gratitude and appreciation to all our nursing friends for your compassion, dedication, innovation, and unique sacrifices.